X-Splade-Modal Component

With the Modal Component, Splade has built-in support for modals and slideover. This component allows you to load any route into a modal. Besides loading the content asynchronously, it also supports pre-loaded content.

First, let's take a look at loading a route into a modal. To prepare a view to use it inside a modal, you have to wrap the content in a <x-splade-modal> component. Nothing changes when requesting the view outside of the modal. Everything will work as it used to. For example, here's a page to create a new user. This page is a regular, full-page view that extends the base layout.

<h1>Create new user</h1>
<input v-model="form.name" placeholder="Name" />
<button type="submit">Create</button>

Now wrap the content:

<h1>Create new user</h1>
<input v-model="form.name" placeholder="Name" />
<button type="submit">Create</button>

And that's it! Now when you want to load this route into a view, use the modal attribute on the Link component:

<Link modal href="/users/create">Create new user</Link>


To load the page into a slideover, replace the modal attribute with the slideover attribute. You don't have to change your view.

<Link slideover href="/users/create">Create new user</Link>


You can control the size of the modal with the max-width attribute. Valid values are sm, md, lg, xl, 2xl, 3xl, 4xl, 5xl, 6xl and 7xl. The default is 2xl for a modal and md for a slideover.

<x-splade-modal max-width="lg">


By default, the modal is vertically centered. However, you may customize this with the position attribute, which you can set to either top, center, or bottom:

<x-splade-modal position="top">

The slideover opens on the right side by default, but you may change that as well with the position attribute:

<x-splade-modal position="left">

Close behavior

By default, the modal closes when the user presses the escape key or clicks outside of the modal. However, you may disable this with the close-explicitly attribute:

<x-splade-modal close-explicitly>

Suppose you want this to be the default behavior. In that case, you may call the defaultModalCloseExplicitly method on the Splade facade, for example, in the AppServiceProvider class:


Close Button

The modal and slideover have a close button, which you can disable with the close-button attribute.

<x-splade-modal :close-button="false">

You can manually close the modal or slideover with the modal.close() or modal.setIsOpen() methods. Under the hood, it uses HeadlessUI's dialog component.

<button type="button" @click="modal.close">Cancel</button>
<button type="button" @click="modal.setIsOpen(false)">Cancel</button>

Pre-loaded content

Instead of loading the content asynchronously, you may also pass the content along with the page. You may do this by passing a name attribute to the component and use the name along with a # prefix in the Link component:

<h1>Tickets & Tour Dates</h1>
<Link href="#refund-info">
Show Refund Information
<x-splade-modal name="refund-info">

To use a slideover, you must put the attribute on the x-splade-component instead of the Link component. The max-width attribute works with pre-loaded content as well.

<h1>Tickets & Tour Dates</h1>
<Link href="#refund-info">
Show Refund Information
<x-splade-modal name="refund-info" slideover max-width="lg">

Additionally, it's possible to immediately show the modal on page load with the opened attribute:

<x-splade-modal opened>