As of August 2024, Splade is no longer actively maintained. Though we will try to keep up with future Laravel and PHP versions, we discourage using Splade in new projects.

After a period of reflection, we've come full circle and decided to bring the magic of Splade back to Inertia, where it all started. Please check out this new chapter in our journey: Inertia UI.

X-Splade-Form Component

The Form Component allows you to send forms asynchronously. This way, you'll prevent full page reloads and can present validation errors without reevaluating the form with old submitted data. In addition, you may use the form prop to do two-way binding. The default method is POST.

<x-splade-form action="/users/store">
<input v-model="" type="text" />
<input v-model="" type="email" />
<button type="submit">Send</button>

The example above uses regular HTML form inputs, but Splade also comes with a collection of feature-rich Form Components. These components all support labels, validation, data-binding, are more.

Method and Validation errors

Just like traditional forms, there's a method attribute. In addition, you may use the form.errors prop to evaluate validation errors:

<x-splade-form method="put">
<p v-text="" />

Default data

You may use the default attribute to pass a default set of data.

Note how this is a JavaScript object. Therefore, the value passed to the default attribute will be parsed by Vue, not PHP.

<x-splade-form default="{ name: 'Laravel Splade' }">
<input v-model="" />

If you want to parse the value by PHP, you may use the :default attribute (note the colon). Note that, just like the previous example, the data is passed to the frontend, so be careful with sensitive data.

<x-splade-form :default="['name' => 'Laravel Splade']">
<input v-model="" />

As you can see, this allows you to pass in arrays, but you can also use Arrayable, Jsonable or JsonSerializable classes. So, for example, you may pass an Eloquent Model:

<x-splade-form :default="\App\Models\User::first()" unguarded>
<input v-model="" />

You might have noticed the unguarded attribute. Eloquent Models often contain sensitive data, so by default, Fluent and Model instances will be fully guarded. This means their attributes won't be passed to the client-side unless the form is unguarded.

Instead of fully unguarding the form, you may specify which attributes to unguard. You can do this with an array or string.

<x-splade-form ... unguarded="name" />
<x-splade-form ... unguarded="name, email" />
<x-splade-form ... :unguarded="['name', 'email']" />

You can read more about this behavior on the Form Model Binding page. Even better, the dedicated Form Components handle this automatically for you.

Using Data

Besides binding form data to an input element, you may the form data the build interactive elements just like the Data component. For example, you could use the form object to toggle classes or show an element.

{{-- Interact with the value of the data --}}
<input type="text" v-model="" />
<p>Your name is: <span v-text="" /></p>
{{-- Toggle classes based on the value of the data --}}
<input type="checkbox" v-model="form.newsletter" />
<svg :class="{ 'text-green-500': form.newsletter, 'text-red-500': !form.newsletter }" />
{{-- Show elements based on the value of the data --}}
<input type="checkbox" v-model="form.agree_with_terms" />
<button type="submit" v-show="form.agree_with_terms">Submit</button>


You may use the confirm attribute to show a confirmation dialog before the form is submitted:

<x-splade-form confirm>

In addition, you may customize the confirmation dialog:

confirm="Delete profile"
confirm-text="Are you sure you want to delete your profile?"
confirm-button="Yes, delete everything!"
cancel-button="No, I want to stay!"

Instead of the confirm attribute, you may also use the confirm-danger attribute to render a red confirmation button.

Password Confirmation

It's even possible to require the user to confirm their password within the confirmation dialog. First, you must register a supporting route using the spladePasswordConfirmation() method on the Route facade. As of version 1.2.2, the automatic installer does this for you. If you need to register the route manually, make sure it uses the web Middleware, for example, in web.php:


Now you may add the require-password attribute:

<x-splade-form confirm require-password>

Only when the password is correct it submits the form. Splade will add the entered password to the form data as a password field. This way, you may recheck the password server-side in the form target action. For security reasons, this is disabled for GET requests. You can change the field by passing a value to the require-password attribute:

<x-splade-form confirm require-password="password_confirmation">

To prevent users from re-entering their password over and over, you may use the require-password-once attribute. Once the user has successfully entered their password, it won't be asked again until the number of seconds (defined with the auth.password_timeout config key) has elapsed:

<x-splade-form confirm require-password-once>

File uploads

You may use the input event to bind the selected file to your form data:

<input type="file" dusk="avatar" @input="form.avatar = $[0]" />
<p v-text="form.errors.avatar" />
<button type="submit">Submit</button>

The dedicated File Component provides a cleaner solution, and has support for selecting multiple files as well as displaying the filename of the selected file.

File downloads

If the form submittion results in a file download, you may use the blob attribute to let Splade handle the download:

<x-splade-form blob>
<input v-model="form.code" />
<button type="submit">Download</button>


There are several props that you can use to show the state of the form:

<p v-if="form.processing">Submitting the data...</p>
<x-splade-form stay>
<p v-if="form.wasSuccessful">Successfully submitted!</p>
<p v-if="form.recentlySuccessful">Flash message to show success!</p>

Submit on change

Sometimes you want to submit the form whenever a value changes, for example, on a settings page that you want to save immediately. For this, you may use the submit-on-change attribute.

<x-splade-form submit-on-change>

In addition, you may optionally specify one or more values (with an array or string) that Splade should watch instead of all values.

<x-splade-form submit-on-change="name">
<x-splade-form submit-on-change="name, email">
<x-splade-form :submit-on-change="['name', 'email']">

While this is great for elements like checkboxes, radios, and selects, it might lead to a bad user experience when applied to text inputs, as the form disables user input on submission. To overcome this, you may use the background attribute. This prevents to form from disabling user input and leaves the state properties (processing, wasSuccessful, and recentlySuccessful) untouched. In addition, to prevent the form from submitting on every keystroke, you may use the debounce attribute to set a debounce time in milliseconds:

<x-splade-form submit-on-change background debounce="500">
<input v-model="form.message" />

If you still want to indicate whether the form is processing, you may use the processingInBackground property:

<x-splade-form submit-on-change background debounce="500">
<input v-model="form.message" />
<p v-if="form.processingInBackground">Saving message in background...</p>
<button type="submit">Send message</button>

Reset and restore form

You may use the form.reset method to clear all form data.

<button @click.prevent="form.reset">
Clear all values

Similarly, there's a form.restore method to restore the default values.

<button @click.prevent="form.restore">
Restore default values

Prevent navigation on submit

If you want to stay on the same page after a successful request and want to preserve the page's current state, add the stay attribute.

<x-splade-form stay>

Additionally, a preserve-scroll attribute prevents the page from scrolling to the top. This can be useful when submitting a form from a Table component while returning redirect()->back() from the controller:

<x-splade-form preserve-scroll>

When the form has been submitted successfully, you may access the response using the form.$response prop:

<x-splade-form stay>
<pre v-text="form.$response" />

Reset and restore on success

You may choose to reset or restore the form data automatically. You can do this with the reset-on-success and restore-on-success attributes:

<x-splade-form stay reset-on-success>
<x-splade-form stay restore-on-success>

Form API

The form object has several additional methods and properties that you could use. With the $put method, you can set a value:

<button @click.prevent="form.$put('plan', 'pro')">Set Plan to Pro</button>

The $all property could help you debug the Form by printing all values:

<pre v-text="form.$all" />

If you'd somehow need to submit the Form with a custom trigger, you can use the submit method:

<div @click.prevent="form.submit">Start</div>

As shown above, there's an errors object to evaluate validation errors, but there's also a hasError method to determine whether there is an error:

<svg v-show="form.hasError('avatar')">...</svg>

If you want full access to the server-side error bag, you may use the rawErrors object.

<div v-for="(errorArray, key) in form.rawErrors">

Form components

While writing traditional input elements is fine, Splade comes with various components to build forms even faster. Make sure to check out the documentation page. There's also an extensive guide about creating custom form components.