X-Splade-Data Component

You may use the Data Component to interact with a set of reactive data inside the component. To get started, you don't even need to define a structure or a default set of data.

<input v-model="data.name" />
<p>Your name is <span v-text="data.name" /></p>

Default Data

You may use the default attribute to pass a default set of data.

Note how this is a JavaScript object. Therefore, the value passed to the default attribute will be parsed by Vue, not by PHP.

<x-splade-data default="{ name: 'Laravel Splade' }">
<input v-model="data.name" />

If you want to parse the value by PHP, you may use the :default attribute (note the colon).

<x-splade-data :default="['name' => 'Laravel Splade']">
<input v-model="data.name" />

As you can see, this allows you to pass in arrays, but you can also use Arrayable, Jsonable, or JsonSerializable classes. So, for example, you may pass an Eloquent Model:

<x-splade-data :default="\App\Models\User::first()">
<input v-model="data.name" />

Note that the user data is passed to the frontend, so please be sure sensitive attributes are hidden, or use the built-in Transformer feature.


You may use the remember attribute to keep the component's state while users navigate your app. For example, you could keep track of opened tabs in a menu. The remember attribute requires a key that's unique throughout your app.

<x-splade-data remember="menu" default="{ tab1: false, tab2: false, tab3: false }">
<aside v-show="data.tab1">
<aside v-show="data.tab2">
<aside v-show="data.tab3">

Local Storage

The remembered state will be lost whenever the user fully refreshes the app. You may use the local-storage attribute to keep the component's state in the browser's local storage.

<x-splade-data remember="cookie-popup" local-storage default="{ accepted: false }">
<div v-if="!data.accepted">
<h1>Cookie warning</h1>
<button @click.prevent="data.accepted = true">Accept</button>

Global Store

Sometimes you want to use a set of reactive data through the template or layout. Instead of wrapping everything inside the data component, you may also define a store and use it at other places in your template.

<x-splade-data store="navigation" default="{ opened: false }" />
<!-- other elements... -->
<button @click.prevent="navigation.opened = true">
Open Navigation
<nav v-show="navigation.opened">

You must pass a key to the store attribute and avoid generic naming. For example, don't use keys like data, form, and toggle as they might interfere with other scoped Vue components.